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Cadillac Club Sweden
The best Cadillac club in Sweden!

Las Vegas 1999

Here is some pictures that our Webmaster took in Las Vegas in november 1999.
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Cashman Cadillac at
Sahara Avenue in Las Vegas.
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One of many small Wedding chapels in Las Vegas!

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Cadillac Limo 1999 based on "the old" DeVille.

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Cadillac DeVille 2000

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Cadillac Escalade 2000

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Cadillac Eldorado 2000
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Eldorado 2000 with "cabroilet" roof
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Specialbuilt new Eldorado convertible!
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The Eldorado convertible.
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Typical interior from a hotel in Las Vegas!
This is Stratosphere Tower.
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A happy webmaster after he had won 250 quarters = 62,5 dollars!
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You can get everything in Vegas! What about
renting a Plymouth Prowler, a Hummer or...
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...perhaps a nice ´59 Cadillac convertible with "ELVIS" plates!

Links for Las Vegas:

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